Sunday, July 17, 2005

Solving the problems of the Malays by first solving the problems of Malaysians in general!

It is interesting to read this blog, Simple Simpler Simplest: How to solve the problems of the Malays.

Below was my comment on his blog.

Anonymous is very correct.

Not all Malays are supporting UMNO and UMNO is not an all Malay party anymore. Observe the real race of the former UMNO president, wasn't he an Indian Muslim, allegedly?

Also, it should be interesting to note that PAS is not a malay party as well, it's a party for all Malaysian Muslim instead.

Problem with the Malays can be solved by solving all the problems associated with Malaysia. With the elimination of basic issues bogging down Malaysian in general, then only progression could be made to solve specific problems, such as the ones affecting only on a particular race.

The basic issues I was refering to are among them, basic housing needs, basic infrastructures, education, social security etc.

We need a more caring government to implement this changes and the current administration has failed this miserably.

So, next step to be taken is to actually vote-in a caring representative in Parliament, who will fight for the needy and not for those already having all!


Blogger chong y l said...

Salute thy stance.

Think Global, Not Local

Think Malaysian, Not race

Think Needs, Not Race
Then we'll start getting there

Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:45:00 AM  
Blogger mamat said...

Thanks for the visit and dropping few lines.

All the best to you and all us REAL Malaysian, and citizen of the world!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:22:00 PM  

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