Monday, September 05, 2005

UMNO says one thing, practice the other thing!

Remember my piece on Rafidah's hugging her beloved former boss?

Deputy Prime Minister, Najib says, 'No hugging please, we are Muslims.... This is about religion. It is forbidden in the religion." I am not too sure which religion is Najob refering to, tho'.

Now Rafidah showed something else to the whole country on Independence Day! Now someone is concerned that when-ever someone is caught for hugging in public, they might come back with .... "ala, Rafidah pun peluk Mahathir"

What say you UMNO-putra?

Other pieces....
'No hugging, we're Muslims': Reality shows with a twist
Pelukan Rafidah dan Islam Hadhari
Implikasi Rafidah peluk Tun Mahathir


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